NON-FUNGIBLE TOKENS a Complete Beginner's Guide- A Complete Guide on How to Create, Use, Buy, and Sell Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT, Collectibles)

作者 Samuel Anthony [Anthony, Samuel]

介绍 what are Non-Fungible tokens, how are they used, how can I create or buy them, or better yet, how do I sell them? All these and more are questions that will be explored and answered in this bookNon-fungible tokens have become a major source of various comments all over the world for the past few months. They have also gained a huge chance to become the best thing to happen to the crypto space in 2021. This book has been written to help you gain mastery on Non-Fungible tokens and how to use them. All through the years, there have been different trends that swept through the crypto space, some of these include: the ICO boom of 2017, the 2017 – 2018 era of smart contracts, the 2018 – 2019 stablecoin frenzy and most recently the DeFi boom of 2020. Despite the relevance of DeFi in the crypto space, Non-fungible tokens have slowly but steadily been garnering attention from crypto enthusiasts, investors and developers alike. The novelty of non-fungible tokens and the need for adequate information to help people get used to this new trend is the main objective of this book. Inside you will find information on topics such as: -What are non-fungible tokens? -Examples of non-fungible tokens-How are Non-fungible Tokens Created-How are Non-fungible tokens used-How do Non-fungible tokens work-How to buy and sell Non-fungible tokens-Risks associated with the purchase and sale of Non-fungible tokens-Non-fungible tokens and the future This book is written out of a strong desire to see you succeed in buying and trading non-fungible tokens. Scroll up and click the buy button to get your copy NOW!


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