
jasonruan 2020.08.07


1 前言


2 操作步骤

2.1 Promethues配置

# prometheus.yml  global:   scrape_interval:     15s    evaluation_interval: 15s  scrape_configs:   - job_name: 'prometheus'     static_configs:     - targets: ['localhost:9090']    - job_name: 'js_substrate_node'     scrape_interval: 5s     static_configs:       - targets: ['']  remote_write:   - url: "http://influxdb:8086/api/v1/prom/write?db=prometheus"  remote_read:   - url: "http://influxdb:8086/api/v1/prom/read?db=prometheus"

2.2 Grafana配置

2.2.1 配置修改


# grafana.ini [database] type = mysql host = name = grafana user = jason password = ruan url =

2.2.2 账号创建

mysql> CREATE DATABASE grafana DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4; mysql> CREATE USER 'jason'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'ruan'; mysql> GRANT all privileges ON grafana.* TO 'jason'@'%'; mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

2.3 Docker构建脚本

# docker-compose.yml  version: '2'  services:   prometheus:     image: prom/prometheus:v2.20.1     hostname: prometheus     container_name: prom     volumes:       - /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai:/etc/localtime:ro       - ./prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml       - prometheus_data:/prometheus     command:       - '--web.enable-lifecycle'       - '--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml'     ports:       - '9090:9090'     networks:       prometheus:         aliases:           - prometheus         ipv4_address:     logging:       driver: json-file       options:         max-file: '3'         max-size: 100m    grafana:     image: grafana/grafana:7.1.2     hostname: grafana     container_name: grafana     volumes:       - /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai:/etc/localtime:ro       - grafana_data:/var/lib/grafana     environment:       - GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=ruan     depends_on:       - prometheus     ports:       - '3000:3000'     networks:       prometheus:         aliases:           - grafana         ipv4_address:     logging:       driver: json-file       options:         max-file: '3'         max-size: 100m    influxdb:     image: influxdb:1.8.1     hostname: influxdb     container_name: influxdb     volumes:       - /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai:/etc/localtime:ro       - influxdb_data:/influxdb     ports:       - '8083:8083'       - '8086:8086'       - '8090:8090'     networks:       prometheus:         aliases:           - influxdb         ipv4_address:     logging:       driver: json-file       options:         max-file: '3'         max-size: 100m  networks:   prometheus:     driver: bridge     ipam:       config:         - subnet:  volumes:   grafana_data: {}   prometheus_data: {}   influxdb_data: {}

2.4 组件启动

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d Starting prom ...  Starting prom Starting influxdb ...  Starting prom ... done Starting grafana ...  Starting grafana ... done

2.5 Influx配置

2.5.1 创建账号

[jason@RUAN:~]$ influx  Visit https://enterprise.influxdata.com to register for updates, InfluxDB server management, and monitoring. Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.8.1 InfluxDB shell version: 1.1.1 > CREATE USER jason WITH PASSWORD 'ruan' WITH ALL PRIVILEGES; > show users; user    admin ----    ----- jason   true

2.5.2 创建数据库

> CREATE DATABASE prometheus; >  > SHOW DATABASES; name: databases name ---- _internal prometheus

2.5.3 查看表

> use prometheus; Using database prometheus >  > show measurements; >  > insert test,host=,monitor_name=test count=1 >  > show measurements; name: measurements name ---- go_gc_duration_seconds go_gc_duration_seconds_count go_gc_duration_seconds_sum go_goroutines go_info go_memstats_alloc_bytes go_memstats_alloc_bytes_total go_memstats_buck_hash_sys_bytes go_memstats_frees_total go_memstats_gc_cpu_fraction go_memstats_gc_sys_bytes go_memstats_heap_alloc_bytes go_memstats_heap_idle_bytes ......

2.6 监控界面


2.6.1 Prometheus管理页面


2.6.2 Grafana管理页面


2.7 添加数据源


2.8 导入仪表盘

下载并导入Substrate node metrics仪表盘



2.9 Substrate节点启动

2.9.1 节点1

[Jason@RUAN:~/Blockchain/substrate-node-template] (v2.0.0-rc5)$ ./target/release/node-template  --ws-external --rpc-external --rpc-cors=all --prometheus-external --alice --chain local --base-path /tmp/alice 2020-08-07 12:27:52 Substrate Node 2020-08-07 12:27:52 ✌️  version 2.0.0-rc5-8f769db-x86_64-linux-gnu 2020-08-07 12:27:52 ❤️  by Substrate DevHub <https://github.com/substrate-developer-hub>, 2017-2020 2020-08-07 12:27:52 📋 Chain specification: Local Testnet 2020-08-07 12:27:52 🏷  Node name: Alice 2020-08-07 12:27:52 👤 Role: AUTHORITY 2020-08-07 12:27:52 💾 Database: RocksDb at /tmp/alice/chains/local_testnet/db 2020-08-07 12:27:52 ⛓  Native runtime: node-template-1 (node-template-1.tx1.au1) 2020-08-07 12:27:52 🔨 Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0xd3e7…c7c0, header-hash: 0x5094…9695) 2020-08-07 12:27:52 👴 Loading GRANDPA authority set from genesis on what appears to be first startup. 2020-08-07 12:27:52 ⏱  Loaded block-time = 6000 milliseconds from genesis on first-launch 2020-08-07 12:27:52 📦 Highest known block at #0 2020-08-07 12:27:52 Using default protocol ID "sup" because none is configured in the chain specs 2020-08-07 12:27:52 🏷  Local node identity is: 12D3KooWJLpUqkMJ4RtvRybiB5g3C9qNj6JgGS8ZGoDSGLUCf4su (legacy representation: QmNYMqDvP4axrdvE62dfSfdfGE6baSFMjxJQRh2xpKgQrb) 2020-08-07 12:27:52 〽 Prometheus server started at 2020-08-07 12:27:57 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x5094…9695), finalized #0 (0x5094…9695), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0 2020-08-07 12:28:02 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x5094…9695), finalized #0 (0x5094…9695), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0 2020-08-07 12:28:04 🔍 Discovered new external address for our node: /ip4/ 2020-08-07 12:28:06 ✨ Imported #1 (0xf0d7…f842) 2020-08-07 12:28:07 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #1 (0xf0d7…f842), finalized #0 (0x5094…9695), ⬇ 1.0kiB/s ⬆ 1.0kiB/s 2020-08-07 12:28:12 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0xf0d750e7097f1e9e26f26f111de073f4ff098d81f37147b5ab9cee253742f842 2020-08-07 12:28:12 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 2 [hash: 0x688f9ff1c73b9dd9272c2fcbaee1abf95814e519d8a4e62c22fb84df1b731d6f; parent_hash: 0xf0d7…f842; extrinsics (1): [0x389b…e374]] 2020-08-07 12:28:12 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 2. Hash now 0x66327cc4e5809e8acb0fb7bb7ff0210057d94bfb69d53c00d66b97ffa876ef34, previously 0x688f9ff1c73b9dd9272c2fcbaee1abf95814e519d8a4e62c22fb84df1b731d6f. 2020-08-07 12:28:12 ✨ Imported #2 (0x6632…ef34) 2020-08-07 12:28:12 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #2 (0x6632…ef34), finalized #0 (0x5094…9695), ⬇ 0.7kiB/s ⬆ 0.7kiB/s 2020-08-07 12:28:17 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #2 (0x6632…ef34), finalized #0 (0x5094…9695), ⬇ 0.6kiB/s ⬆ 0.6kiB/s 2020-08-07 12:28:18 ✨ Imported #3 (0x8787…9ed6) 2020-08-07 12:28:22 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #3 (0x8787…9ed6), finalized #1 (0xf0d7…f842), ⬇ 1.0kiB/s ⬆ 1.0kiB/s 2020-08-07 12:28:24 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x878796e04d7bf0337921dd3b50c8cafec808202735859e3b92fc75d5df5c9ed6 2020-08-07 12:28:24 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 4 [hash: 0x86f349f055d3f280441abb63a257525bdfedeb0d60af4fb845d30d600a05e2f0; parent_hash: 0x8787…9ed6; extrinsics (1): [0x844f…8604]] 2020-08-07 12:28:24 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 4. Hash now 0xdf761d134e10543ee1d92452ca7e63b23f21b690619c8602c76cc29e596b3ebf, previously 0x86f349f055d3f280441abb63a257525bdfedeb0d60af4fb845d30d600a05e2f0. 2020-08-07 12:28:24 ✨ Imported #4 (0xdf76…3ebf)

2.9.2 节点2

[Jason@RUAN:~/Blockchain/substrate-node-template] (v2.0.0-rc5)$ ./target/release/node-template  --ws-external --rpc-external --rpc-cors=all --prometheus-external --bob --chain local --base-path /tmp/bob 2020-08-07 12:28:03 Substrate Node 2020-08-07 12:28:03 ✌️  version 2.0.0-rc5-8f769db-x86_64-linux-gnu 2020-08-07 12:28:03 ❤️  by Substrate DevHub <https://github.com/substrate-developer-hub>, 2017-2020 2020-08-07 12:28:03 📋 Chain specification: Local Testnet 2020-08-07 12:28:03 🏷  Node name: Bob 2020-08-07 12:28:03 👤 Role: AUTHORITY 2020-08-07 12:28:03 💾 Database: RocksDb at /tmp/bob/chains/local_testnet/db 2020-08-07 12:28:03 ⛓  Native runtime: node-template-1 (node-template-1.tx1.au1) 2020-08-07 12:28:03 🔨 Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0xd3e7…c7c0, header-hash: 0x5094…9695) 2020-08-07 12:28:03 👴 Loading GRANDPA authority set from genesis on what appears to be first startup. 2020-08-07 12:28:03 ⏱  Loaded block-time = 6000 milliseconds from genesis on first-launch 2020-08-07 12:28:03 📦 Highest known block at #0 2020-08-07 12:28:03 Using default protocol ID "sup" because none is configured in the chain specs 2020-08-07 12:28:03 🏷  Local node identity is: 12D3KooWDg7tvBQBeh7zDbE2iyBEvayvrHYD86RY3Lzpgw1GCNqt (legacy representation: Qma2zuosCBQNEKJX45rtYtCp9MZkRvdRduK917xJKUkBup) 2020-08-07 12:28:03 📪 Libp2p listener () closed: Address already in use (os error 98) 2020-08-07 12:28:03 📪 Libp2p listener () closed: Address already in use (os error 98) 2020-08-07 12:28:03 Unable to bind RPC server to Trying random port. 2020-08-07 12:28:06 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x5094621351e16d3b1541767e587a3349e8eaf1f4b3a1115e232d2a12661e9695 2020-08-07 12:28:06 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 1 [hash: 0x771282626214db570c4597c1e16ad86ab97cb1147e44325ab08d240490c89c24; parent_hash: 0x5094…9695; extrinsics (1): [0x2d75…53e2]] 2020-08-07 12:28:06 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 1. Hash now 0xf0d750e7097f1e9e26f26f111de073f4ff098d81f37147b5ab9cee253742f842, previously 0x771282626214db570c4597c1e16ad86ab97cb1147e44325ab08d240490c89c24. 2020-08-07 12:28:06 ✨ Imported #1 (0xf0d7…f842) 2020-08-07 12:28:08 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #1 (0xf0d7…f842), finalized #0 (0x5094…9695), ⬇ 1.2kiB/s ⬆ 1.2kiB/s 2020-08-07 12:28:12 ✨ Imported #2 (0x6632…ef34) 2020-08-07 12:28:13 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #2 (0x6632…ef34), finalized #0 (0x5094…9695), ⬇ 0.7kiB/s ⬆ 0.7kiB/s 2020-08-07 12:28:18 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x66327cc4e5809e8acb0fb7bb7ff0210057d94bfb69d53c00d66b97ffa876ef34 2020-08-07 12:28:18 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 3 [hash: 0xfdf55a8d3975da5a57e6ab7ba66c97d6ac26099af465ec6a58a9c2150438e1ec; parent_hash: 0x6632…ef34; extrinsics (1): [0xff31…1516]] 2020-08-07 12:28:18 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 3. Hash now 0x878796e04d7bf0337921dd3b50c8cafec808202735859e3b92fc75d5df5c9ed6, previously 0xfdf55a8d3975da5a57e6ab7ba66c97d6ac26099af465ec6a58a9c2150438e1ec. 2020-08-07 12:28:18 ✨ Imported #3 (0x8787…9ed6) 2020-08-07 12:28:18 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #3 (0x8787…9ed6), finalized #0 (0x5094…9695), ⬇ 0.7kiB/s ⬆ 0.7kiB/s 2020-08-07 12:28:23 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #3 (0x8787…9ed6), finalized #1 (0xf0d7…f842), ⬇ 1.0kiB/s ⬆ 1.0kiB/s 2020-08-07 12:28:24 ✨ Imported #4 (0xdf76…3ebf)

2.10 监控效果展示


3 参考资料



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