WEB3- What Is Web3? Potential of Web 3.0 (Token Economy, Smart Contracts, DApps, NFTs, Blockchains, GameFi, DeFi, Decentralized Web, Binance, Metaverse Projects, Web3.0 Metaverse Crypto guide, Axie)

作者:Patrick Ejeke

介绍: As Web 2.0 matures and grows to Web 3.0 — a decentralized layer atop the present web infrastructure — it’s worth reflecting on the early days of the Internet more than 25 years ago. If you’re old enough, you may remember the fear and doubt that gripped everyone back then. We recognized the possibilities, but sending credit card information out into the unknown in the hopes of receiving a book or other item, or checking bank balances over the internet, seemed almost insane. These days, we don’t give it a second thought. Web 2.0 has  become an essential element of our lives and enterprises, simplifying administration in ways we could never have anticipated.
In this book here are thing things covered:
What is Web 3.0?
How Does Web 3.0 Work?
Future Web 3.0 Business Models
Web 3.0 Business Models on the Rise
Web 3.0 And Blockchain
Moving Towards Decentralization
The Significance of Blockchain in Web 3.0
How Did Blockchain Pave the Way for Web 3.0?
Examples of Blockchain in Web 3.0
Web 3.0 And Digital Marketing
Web 3.0 and Metaverse
What Differentiates Web 3.0 from Metaverse?
Web 3.0 And Cryptocurrency
What Impact Does Web 3.0 Have On The Reality Of Crypto Investments?
A New Approach to Building Businesses
How to Get Your Brand Ready for Web 3.0 Revolution
How To Make Money With Web 3.0
Web 3.0 Business Opportunities


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